GMPC-Policy on Peer Review Process
The peer review process is a critical factor for high-quality scientific research. The GMPC journals use single-blind review. All manuscripts suitable for review will be reviewed by at least two expert reviewers selected by an editor or the Editor-in-Chief. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed, and the first decision is provided to authors approximately three to five weeks after submission.
Editorial and review process
- GMPC considers all submitted manuscripts to review without selection bias.
- GMPC provides fairness of review and speed of publication.
- GMPC editorial board and reviewers are selected among the best researchers in their areas of expertise.
- GMPC disseminates accepted manuscripts globally.

- GMPC journals provide an easy submission system to facilitate the submission process.
- GMPC journals allow authors to suggest potential reviewers and exclude reviewers with conflicts of interest.
- GMPC journals promote article submission through email alerts.
- GMPC journals encourage authors to use the available templates that facilitate peer review.
- For manuscript preparation, please use Authors Guidelines.
Editorial Office
As a part of the peer-review process, the editorial office technically checks the manuscript to assure its compliance with the GMPC guidlines and policies. The Editor-in Chief decides on sending the manuscript to the academic editor in case of regular submissions or to the guest editor in case of "Special Issue", taking in consideration any potential conflict of interest. The academic editors will check the manuscript's quality, novelty, and suitability to the journal scope before peer review begins as follows:
i) Non-original works, articles of low quality and/or showing plagiarism or duplication will be rejected.
ii) Manuscripts with good quality that need to follow the template or need revision will be sent to the authors for improvement and modififcation according to the journal instructions.
iii) Manuscripts with good quality and valid research questions and hypotheses will be sent to the reviewers.
iv) Editors can check the status of manuscripts and the identity of reviewers at any time when they need. Editors and reviwers can communicate with the GMPC office during the manuscript review process.
v) Guest editors of special issues cannot access the review process of their manuscripts and are prohibited from making decisions regarding their manuscripts.
Authors can recommend potential reviewers; however, the academic editor can suggest other qualified reviewers. The editorial office of GMPC avoids conflicts of interest, and those with competing interests are not considered. The reviewers must hold at least a Ph.D. and have recent publications in the research field of the manuscript. Reviewers must have no conflict of interest with the authors. It is their responsibility to maintain high standards of professionalism and ethics. A maximum of two rounds of major revision are normally offered.
To avoid unreasonable time pressure and ensure that all submissions are appropriately edited, we will request authors to withdraw their manuscripts before resubmitting if the needed revision period is anticipated to take more than two months.
Additionally, authors can exclude potential peer-reviewers from consideration in the peer-review of their manuscripts; so far, these requests don't interfere with the thorough evaluation of the submission. The editor checks all the reviewers' recommendations or where one or more comments need to be rejected. The GMPC editorial office requests the authors to revise the reviewers' comments in case of minor or major revisions. The revised versions of manuscripts will be sent to reviewers. All reviewers can access the latest version of the manuscript via the submission system.
Editor Decision
The initial decision for accepting manuscripts is made by an academic editor or guest editor after ensuring that all reviewer comments are adequate and the quality of the paper is suitable to be published at GMPC. The final decison will be taken by the Editor-in-Chief.
It is not permitted for editors (including Editors-in-Chief) to make decisions on their own papers; instead, their papers are assigned to another appropriate editorial board member. Authors are then notified that the GMPC editorial office has accepted their manuscript.
Accepted manuscripts will be adapted according to the GMPC style through our GMPC-qualified production team. Figures, images, and tables of high quality will be used (Authors Guidelines). Professional English editors perform language editing. We offer this service for an additional fee if manuscripts need comprehensive English editing. The authors will be informed before taking this step. It is also possible for authors to use other English editing services. Proofs will be sent to authors to be checked and approved. For any inquiry, authors can freely contact the GMPC production office by emailing:
Stage | Timeline (proposed) |
Initial Quality Check | 3-5 days |
Reviewer Assignment | 1 week |
Under Review | 2-3 weeks |
Reviewer Reports Evaluation | 1 week |
Decision | 3-5 days |
Online Publishing | 1-2 weeks |
Total Proposed Time (from submission to acceptance) | 5-8 weeks (considering one round of revision) |
Post Publication Services
After production, articles will be published electronically in PDF formats. Papers will be dynamically evaluated for total views, and downloads.
Last updated: 15-Feb-2023