Exploring the potential of artificial intelligence in feed formulation to advance poultry health and One-Health"
Authors: Diego A. Martinez, Carol L. Ponce-de-Leon and Craig N. Coon
Ger. J. Vet. Res
2024. vol. 4,
Iss. 4
views: 8132

Pestivirus bovis is implicated in repeated abortions and subfertility of vaccinated cattle in Egypt"
Authors: Ahmed Orabi, Hany Abdalla, Mrigendra Rajput and Shimaa M.G. Mansour
Ger. J. Vet. Res
2024. vol. 4,
Iss. 4
views: 7488

Microbiology, induction, and management practices to mitigate lameness caused by bacterial chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis in broiler chickens"
Authors: Andi Asnayanti, Anh D. T. Do and Adnan Alrubaye
Ger. J. Vet. Res
2024. vol. 4,
Iss. 4
views: 6986

DiFLUsion: A novel space-time alert system for HPAI"
Authors: Pablo Ibáñez-Porras, Ana de la Torre, José I. Gómez-Pérez, Christian Tomás-Tenllado, Elena García, German Cáceres, Andres Pérez, Irene Iglesias
Ger. J. Vet. Res
2024. vol. 4,
Iss. 4
views: 6812

Commentary on: Identification of bacterial pathogens isolated from smoked blue whiting fish (Micromesistius poutasou) from Odeomu market in Osun state, Nigeria
Authors: Kabiru O. Akinyemi
Ger. J. Vet. Res
2024. vol. 4,
Iss. 4
views: 140

In vitro matured bovine oocytes in the presence of vascular endothelial growth factor–D: A Raman spectroscopy analysis
Authors: Luis E. Jimenez, Mariela Roldán‑Olarte, Alfredo N. Dominguez, Rosa M. S. Álvarez
Ger. J. Vet. Res
2025. vol. 5,
Iss. 1
views: 182

Hematological and biochemical variations in dogs with osteoarticular pain undergoing treatment with meloxicam and cannabidiol
Authors: Yadhira C. Saavedra, Raquel R. Reyes, Roy M. Macedo and Juan R. Paredes-Valderrama
Ger. J. Vet. Res
2025. vol. 5,
Iss. 1
views: 300

The effect of subtilisin-like serine protease Bacillus pumilus and histidine acid 3-phytase Pantoea brenneri on growth performance, digestibility, immune organs, and expression of intestinal barrier genes in broiler chickens
Authors: Daria Pudova, Danil Kovalenko, Marat Lutfullin, Guzel Lutfullina and Margarita Sharipova
Ger. J. Vet. Res
2025. vol. 5,
Iss. 1
views: 270