Evaluation of protease plus a precision-biotic on body weight gain and feed conversion ratio in broilers from 0 to 42 days of age
Authors: Anh D. T. Do, Andi Asnayanti, Khawla Alharbi, Ruvindu Perera, Aishat Lawal, Ashley Ault, Shelby Corray and Adnan A. K. Alrubaye
Ger. J. Vet. Res
vol. 4, Iss. 4
Doi: https://doi.org/10.51585/gjvr.2024.4.0109
This study aims to evaluate the effects of a protease combination with a precision biotic on body weight gain (BWG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of broilers from day 0 to 42. 1,400 Cobb 500 male chicks were reared on seven different diets, including an unrestricted positive control (PC–Diet 1) and a negative control (NC–Diet 2) with slightly reduced crude protein, apparent metabolizable energy (AME), and digestible amino acids. Five additional treatment diets were formulated using the negative control and varying concentrations of a protease (Diets 3-4; 33ppm and 50ppm, respectively) and in combination with a precision biotic (Diets 5-7; 33ppm + 700ppm; 50ppm + 500ppm; and 50ppm + 700ppm, respectively). The PC treatment showed significantly different feed intake and FCR compared to all other treatments in all production phases (P < 0.05). There are no significant differences in non-PC treatments in all production phases for BWG and FCR (starter p=0.230 and 0.300; grower p=0.443 and 0.237; finisher p=0.450 and 0.896; overall p=0.111 and 0.497, respectively), nor is there any in terms of mortality (p=0.800). These findings may provide valuable information to producers to optimize flock performance efficiently and cost-effectively.
Feed additive, Reduced protein, Protease, Precision biotic, Performance
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